We support children, young people and their caregivers in developing competences necesarry to care for their balance, rights and happiness in a world full of technology. This is our social mission as the Orange Foundation in Poland.
We support children, youth and their surrounding: teachers, parents and leaders of local communities, also from groups most at risk at social-digital exclusion. We help them understand challenges caused by the digital development, shape their digital hygiene, learn the basics of internet safety, media literacy, programming, 3D printing, or implement creative ideas using digital resources. We run surveys, publish reports and guides to raise public awareness about risks and opportunities of the digital environment.
Many Orange employees become our volunteers sharing their knowledge and organizing hundreds of local aid projects as part of the corporate volunteering program.
Founded in 2005, we pursue goals in line with Orange Polska’s corporate social responsibility strategy. We are one of several Orange Foundations working around the world. For more, contact us fundacja@orange.com